Wednesday, June 10, 2009

entry khas ^_^

hi all...
entry kali nih khas ditulis just untuk rakan2 ku..
tentu anda semua terpk.. ape topic kali nih..
sumthing yg interesting i guess...
my b gak bg org yg tgh hidup xcecah tanah.. haha~
ape yer sbenanye ek..

memandangkan entry ini khas..
n xnk terpk2 ape title entry kali nih...
ckp je la.. haha.. ok2.. fine..
ble ryn da merepek.. mcm cani..
straight to da point pls!
fine2.. entry kali ini saya mahu menceritakn tentang kehidupan alam lain di kalangan rakan-rakan ku..
cpt2.. korg pk.. ape kehidupan alam lain!~~
@!!~ lmbt btol pk.. ces..
ok2 la..
psl l.o.v.e hehe...
sesejak nih.. saya melalui kejadian pelik..
dan semakin lama.. saya semakin keliru..
adakah ini simptom2 bg makhluk yg merasainye..
(ces.. aku cte mcm aku xpna berchenta plak.. haha)
bukan ape.. da lupe la.. ape rasenye erk bunge2 cinta..
time2.. semuanye indah.. busyuk pn jd wangi...
oh.. ble la aku nk rase blk.. bestnye.. mesti 24jam senyum...
angau.. haha.. dah2.. ckp ryn.. back to da topic! :p
ok.. kt sni saya nk meletakkan 2 situasi yg berbeza..

case 1:
saya mempunyai sorg kawan.. name kn dea sebagai 'H'..
oh tentang dea.. xbyk yg saya bole describe.. jus a simple girl..
clusmy girl.. a little bit blur.. n yg penting suke tdo.. lg 1..
suke mendakwa dirinya comel! uh.. tidak lngsung.. haha..
tetapi sgt addict dgn mic.. kalo da menyanyi.. fuh.. jgn harap la..
nk cte bnda laen.. berbalik pada kisah dea.. alkisahnya baru putus kasihnya yang xlama dulu..
kini, hatinya sedang diusik sang kumbang.. kasihnya yg lalu memakan masa yg lame.. sekelip mate ilang
dek kerana kealpaan sang kekaseh berjumpe bunge yang baru. kesan dari frustnye 'H', mula memberontak, dlm pada masa itu.. berkwn pula dgn si kumbang baru ni. hati da mula suke.. senyum xlekang dibibir, handfon sentiasa disisi.. bibir sentiase bercerita tentang si kumbang td..
ini ke tanda2 org jatuh cinta? ya.. 'H' mengaku.. dirinya tewas dgn perasaannya.. hebatnye penangan cinta.. patah tumbuh hilang berganti katanye.. kini, 'H' tidak mahu org lain jika diberi percuma. dea hanya mahu kumbangnya.. oh~ hebatnye power of love..

case 2:
telefon diatas meja ku berdering meminta dilihat..
oh.. kerja yg berlambak.. tapi memandangkan org yg menghantar sms kwn baik ku..
biar sj lihat sms tersebut.. tinggal kje sat!
ok.. nmpk nye.. mms br saya terima..
melihat sejambak bunga ros merah segar..
oh tidak.. sy namekan rakan sy tersebut sebagai 'R'.
Bunge dan 'R'? setahu sy dea baru putus kaseh xsmpi sebulan yg lalu..
cntik sungguh jambangan tersebut.. tidakkk...~ ! aku sgt jeles!!~@ +_+ saba ryn2.. haha.. g usha bf len plak.. nnti dpt bunge lg.. wey.. back to topic da.. mrepek je kje.. ok!
nk tau sila rujuk ke entry sebelumnya pd hari lahir sy..
saya amat teruja mahu tau sapa pengirimnya..
xsempat mahu menunggu waktu rehat mahupun mlm..

'R':hello (nada berbunge..senyum smpi ke telinge)
'Sy': wey babe.. wussup.. sp bg? huhu...
'R':hehehe...(still mode dlm senyum ke telinge)
'Sy': ces.. florist hanta kt office?
'R':sp lg anta.. 'W' la.. kteorg xdeclare pn.. dea bg.. ske nye aku(mode yg sm.. senyum still xletih lg)
'Sy': omg.. dea btol2 in love dgn ko?
'R': dunno.. hehe.. sme org kt office aku da keco aku dpt bouquet wey.. best gle.. terharu ^_^
(mode senyum da naek kt atas telinge)
'Sy': bestnye... so sweet..
'R': ko tau.. lg besa tau dr bouquet yg ko dpt ritu.. haha.. yess.. aku mnang dr ko la cani..
'Sy': ces.. hampes.. xpe2..

itu dea rentetan dr perbualan singkat saya.. oh tidak.. ini lah antara simptom2 yang menyebabkan penyakit yg xberselera mkn.. penyakit insomnia.. mandi xbasah.. mandi xbasah ade name penyakit ek? haha.. aku pn xtau.. dikala ini, sipolan2 diatas tengah dibuai perasaan.. perasaan indah yang xterucap..

moral of da story.. nk rs ari2 indah seperti ini, bercinta la dengan org yg laen2.. jd rs tuh sentiase fresh.. sbb kalo lm2.. mesti da xbest.. haha wey3.. aku da stat merepak.. ryn.. pls la.. stop it.. support la.. haha.. ok2.. cinta itu sememangnya indah..~ so, for those sedang menikmati nikmat cinta.. hope you guys find da rite person n da truly love.. :) so sweet.. natijahnya, saya menggambarkan cinta dan kehidupan ini dengan berwarna warni dimana ia diwakili dengan perlbagai rasa dalam setiap detik.oh.. masa sgt mencemburui saya.. sy harus tdo.. gudnite all~

I am telling u that for me


Sunday, June 7, 2009

home sweet home!

hello there...
hi... huhu.. aktiviti weekendku dipenuhi dgn sdare mare...
memandangkan auntyku pindah ke ruma besanye..
maka, dgn itu.. beliau wt mkn2 sket.. wee.. sronok nye dok uma br..
sme baru.. ble la nk ade uma sebuah gak... abes la uma ku.. ancos di 'decorate'
ikot slera nafsu ku yg menggila psl interior.. heehe..

so, back to da point.. act, almost 2 month aunty ku bersame family dea dok uma nih..
even api putus2.. jap ade.. jap xde..
nk kta tnb pye hal.. xgak.. sbb uma kg kn.. elok je..
aku dgr gossip2 ms kt dapor.. dorg kta cabel utk supply elctrt.. x ckp besa..
tp.. mmg logik pn... bygkan la..
uma dea.. 1st floor.. ade la dlm 4 blk... each rum ade aircond.. plus 1 dgn dining n plus 1 kt tmpt lpk2 hall..

blum nek ats lg.. ade lg bp blk nta.. huhu isk2.. nih mmg nk kna amik maid kurang2 2 org gak nih..
blom set home theater lg.. adoyai! mmg ptt letrik on off...
xpe.. jnji aku mmg ske lpk uma aunty aku tuh..
dapor dea mmg terbaik la.. puas... bole men keja2.. larey2..
sgt3 la selesa..
kalo la aku dpt dapor se'perfect tuh... mmg.. mkn minum en huby pn perfect..
silap2.. bwk ke hi tea n supper sme la.. hehe..
tp, dgr syarat.. ready kn dapor yg superb.. bole men msk2 je kje.. ;p
hee~ sp la yg betuah bakal2 en.huby tu..
cte psl bakal en.huby nih..

1 jek problem yg mmg aku jangka bakal terjadi..
aku akn ditnye dea soalan maut.. hahaha :D
korg bole agak x?
aunty2 ku belah mummy ku seramai 4 org..
sme mmg best+havoc+happening...
tp.. ble bab soal aku.. n laser aku.. pn superb la..

aunty: eh.. lyn, ko xde kwn dgn sp2 ke.. bf yg dlu tu? still 2gether ke..
me: ea.. mn ade da.. skarang xde..
aunty: eleh.. tgk ko nih.. xcy la aku.. bek gtau..
me: ces.. la, btl la.. org single mingle jek..
aunty: tpu la.. kje da oke sme.. xkn xde..
me: O_o!

ha.. tuh la preview dr kejadian tghari td semase aku dok sronok goreng samosa..
hehe.. aku dok sengeh je la..
well... aku xkesah pn..

eh.. eh.. da jaoh gle meleret nih..
hee... so.. smpt gak la.. amik pic td...
idea pn da kering.. da stat nk mrepek2...
till then!

Monday, June 1, 2009

kemalasanku ditengah kepekatan mlm

lame sungguh rasenye aku tidak menghiraukan blog ku..
aku seperti ilang minat utk meneruskan meluahkan ape yg ku rasekan ptt dilepaskan..
dikala kebosanan dihari mnggu ini..
seperti kebiasaan.. menghabiskan hari ku didepan blacky smbil mencari2 ape yang menarik perhatianku..
mane ilang nya plan asal utk berjalan menghabiskan masa..
menghabiskan duet.. mencuci mate..
semua itu menjadi mimpi..
ketika ini aku seakan addict dengan gadget baru.. Nikon D80..
perhatian ku terarah ke dunia photograpy..
ia seakan memancing minatku utk menghasilkan gambar yang mempunyai cerita tersendiri.. pic is art..

art is alive..
kadangkala hidup ini seakan 'fairly tales'..
ape yang tidak disangka akan terjadi..
menjadi persoalan.. bilakah hidup aku mahu menjadi semenarik cerita 'fairly tales'?

Monday, April 6, 2009


my small big day
convocation 42 in UTM SKUDAI,
29 mac 2009,

5 april 2009,
it's was a wonderful day..
thanks for all my buddies..
4 da great bday party
thanks to sumone who gave me a bouquet of red roses.
that was awesome..
also thanks to sumone who song for me with acoustic guitar.. u cool man.. (^_^)

thanks god, now im 25..
yuhu.. v(^-^)
new life.. n i hope it will be better 4 me.. Amin.

Monday, March 2, 2009


hi all..
long tym no c..
xde mud nk update blog..
nuthing much to share..
sm jek.. ari2 pn sm..
bgn tdo -> kje -> n kje -> n kje-> blk -> tdo
ari2 pn sm..

weeknd uh.. wt ape yek..
oh.. lpe.. act.. last weeknd g kota tnggi..
9.00am da kua.. awl gle..
anta boy then jln2 jek..
bli kn my mum tudung dea..
tudung mahal woo skarang... ble la..
bole dpt beberape helai bj lg :)
then.. jusco tbrau -> angsana -> giant..
wa.. pnt gle.. ari ni la ari yg memenatkn..
smlm jln xingat.. hee.. rini da letih..
but, hepy.. hepy d smping family..
even kna ketuk dgn adik2 je :P
sorry ya boy,yah n ejal.. hee..
luv u all act..
ciri2 akk yg bek neh.. wee ^_^

choc mousse brownie ku..
menjadi akhir nye.. pic ade..
tp memandangkn gn pc lm..
xbole la nk upload..
puas ble tgk sme org mkn.. mcm eskrim..
yummy2.. pasni bole wt lg (^~^)
to kwn2 ku.. sory xdpt bg rs.. nx tym k..

lately nih.. kje ok jek 'so-so'
even kdng2 bz.. tp so far.. undecontrol..
tbe2 kna jd comitee members utk koga san farewell party..
tp.. xpe.. best gak take part nih..
xla kje sgt3 je.. hee~ koga san.. hope u'll njoy ur nite..

yups.. esok yun ajk turun training netball..
kak rin ajk.. ptg salu ujan..
not sure la nk join ke x..
lately blk kje pn lmbt.. letih jek..
lg pn mcm.. not feeling well.. duh..~

Sunday, February 15, 2009

tru life wit new sprit~ ^_^

hi dude..
wuts up?
act lm da xtulis blog..
so nw.. wut's nex.. afta a month..
me without h.i.m..
life gud uh.. (my b)
lately.. asek berjln jek..
pnt gak.. but, having fun n guing out is the best medicine..
is't? haha.. i guess so..
so.. day by day.. we all makin close to each other..
officemate btol2 da jd mate!
i like.. kteorg share evrything.. laughing.. smiling..
guin up n down together.. dat's we called mate rite~

"Valentine's Day" uh~ act..
xpna pn nk celeb.. tp nwdays..
tgk teenage2 skrng makin addict..
tatau la pesal.. Valentine's Day for me..
same like evryday.. wake up..~ brush teeth..
yummy2.. eating.. watching.. n sleeping..
tp~ smlm kteorg kua..
yes.. officemate.. not 2 celeb.. sj je ske2..
latif blnje mkn.. kt jb catering..
yummy2.. best jek mkn free.. hee~
terime kaseh daun keladi ye mr.latip..
nk blnje.. ajk aku lagi.. :P

2day.. blk kg..~ tok mak mcm xsehat sgt..
kaki saket.. bese la org tua..
insyallah.. org doakn atok cpt sembuh k..
td ida msg ajk join g utm..
latip men kayak.. ida nk bg ikan mkn..
act teringin sgt nk men kayak.. :(
xde rezeki lg.. huhuhu...
insyallah.. 1 day.. nk g gak men kayak..

wut i felt now..


and of course i




coz i nw realize that..


Monday, January 19, 2009

Top 5 Ways to Get Over an Ex-boyfriend Right After the Break-Up

How to Forget Your Ex

Here are the top 5 ways to get over a past boyfriend. Depending on the length of the relationship, it might be harder and take longer to actually get over them. If it was a bad breakup, usually it’s easier to get over a former boyfriend, unless you loved him. However, if it was a mutual breakup, or just the wrong circumstances and timing that break the two up, it could be especially difficult to get over them.

1.) Get rid of everything that reminds you of them-

Don’t keep unnecessary reminders of what you once had with your ex. It will only fester in your head. Burn them; destroy them, anything to disassociate yourself with him. Plus, any evidence of you keeping love letters or gifts from your ex will likely be a headache for you in your next relationship if they find those. So, fix it so you’ll never have that problem

2.) Set up as many dates as possible-

Go dating! And have fun doing it. It can only help build your self confidence. If things don’t work out on a date, who cares, go on another. But don’t limit yourself to characteristics that were of your ex. Opening yourself up will help you to try new things and date people you wouldn’t normally date. Also, it will make you feel like you can do better than your ex, and that will help you significantly in getting over your former boyfriend.

3.) Find new hobbies or continue doing hobbies that you couldn’t while with them-

Finding a new hobby like taking tennis lessons or simply going on fishing trips will help ease your mind. You will have a new personal goal and be more focused on that hobby than on the person that just broke up with you. Continue old hobbies if you stopped doing so while with your ex. The truth is you should have been doing them anyway while you were with them. You should never change your hobbies for someone else.

4.) Introduce yourself to new people-

This is a good way to meet new friends and to pick up new hobbies. You won’t feel so bad now that you’re not sitting in the house moping over them. Get out and meet someone new and rediscover yourself.

5.) Take a vacation-

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

new year~

hye guys.. lm gle da xupdate blog.. seriously.. bile da kje.. mls nk on9.. evryday pn kje.. blk.. tdo..~ xpgg da laptop sme.. huhuhu~ 2day is da last day for this year.. 2008.. mcm2 bnda yg jd in ths year.. i've met someone in my life.. n.. 2nite.. yups.. 2nite i guess.. btol2 mmg genap 1 year la.. knl 2gether2.. secare rapat.. 'rapat'?? em.. i guess so.. huhuh..xmo da cte chenta2 nih..
ttp cte.. ok..~ nw, new life in new year.. so.. ape yek nk dbuat ths year.. hehe.. mcm2 act target nk achieve ths year.. harap2 la sme dpt..

my 1st prirority is.. stable in my career.. kje nk mantap.. nk gain experience.. ~
2nd.. nk amik class utk pape yg berkaitan cake nih..~ best nye~ insyallah...
mn tau.. 1day nnti.. bole wt bisnes sndri.. lalalalala~ :)

huhu~ isk.. if state sme kt cni.. mmg byk gegle.. jap je da 1month kje da.. act xbyk sgt bnda yg blaja la.. byk electrical pye field je yg kna blaja coz dlm programming mmg tade prob.. evry week ade weekly meeting.. n bole dikate kn stiap kali meeting Mr.Tanaka mmg bg task.. even simple.. tp, mmg kna pk la.. huh~ members? so far sme ok.. even ade gak yg so-so.. bese la.. nm pn kje kn.. sure la ade politik kt tmpt kje nih.. jd bebdk br nih.. diam jek la.. ikot je :) tp~ makin lm.. geng cm best.. mimi, ayu idham, ayu, ida, latif, mus..mat yen.. leader yg sgt sempoi n Mr.Tanaka yg cute~ ha.. 1 more thing.. nnti bln 2 ade family day.. 4 software RnD~ best2.. xsaba nk join.. kt PD.. ^_^

ari sabtu nih yusry kawen kt pg.. kawen lg membe-ku sorg.. sme kawen da.. adek rad last week.. cntik sgt pelamin dea :) isk..~ xpe la.. da jodoh kn.. jodoh masing2... me? huh~ tatau la...

ths week kalo rajin nk wt blueberry cheese tart.. bebdk office sebok soh wt.. tgk la~ sian plak.. owh lpe la.. by ths sat ade bbq kt kg~ pak cik ku nk discuss majlis tunang dea.. omg~ pakcik ku sebaye lg.. huhu~ nk tunang da.. congrats to pak adib~ (~.~)

k la dude..~ stop here lor.. pnat da type.. nk relax.. suring jap..~ btw, hepy new year to all my fwens :) bye2~ mwaaahx~

Lots of Lurve,

Sunday, November 30, 2008


haluu guys~ long tme no see.. guess wut~ now.. kje da.. da de job.. da de tanggungjawap.. n smakin bz.. tp~ nw on training lg.. insyallah pasni bole la handle sndri.. wee~~ ^_^ ske2.. tp~ semakin tade mase.. blk2 je pnat da.. everyday pn da tdo awl jek.. ape pn..~ still bole njoy even da ade komitmen.. tbe2 je rase idop cm da berubah.. tp best la.. dpt geng br.. tmpt br..~ bos tatau la cane.. cm ganas je~ muke line2 jepun nk mkn org je.. harap2 ok la.. (mr.tanaka & mr.koga) hehehe~ ingat kt ayu plak.. koga jadi kona.. mwahahaha~ seb bek ayu pn sm section.. xbosan sgt.. so, afta this.. kna la bese2 kn dgn idop cani.. 4 all my new friends~ welcum 2 my life.. nw br 1week.. insyallah pasni.. dpt kwn2 lg.. ops~ dinner.. hee~ xcited nk g~ wait n see~ ok then~ c ya next tym.. mwaaah~

Monday, October 27, 2008

in 11 minutes and something wonderful will happen

N: Easy to fall in love with
O: Best kisser ever
R: You love to kiss
E: You Are Great Kisser
Z: Never good enough
A: Best Gf/Bf any one could have
R: You love to kiss
E: You Are Great Kisser
E: You Are Great Kisser
N: Easy to fall in love with

====== == ===============================
A: Best Gf/Bf any one could have
B: You love a certain someone
C: People cant help but check u out
D: You are really lovable
E: You Are Great Kisser
F: Easy to fall in love with
G: You never let people tell you what to do
H: You have a very good personality and good looks
I: People love you
J: People Adore you
K: You're wild and crazy
M: Handsome/Beautiful
N: Easy to fall in love with
O: Best kisser ever
P: You are popular with all types of people
V :your not judgmental
Q: You are a hypocrite
R: You love to kiss
S: You are Freaking CRAZY
T: You are loyal to the ones you love
U: You really like to chill
W: You are popular
X: You never let people tell you
Y: Sexiest gal alive
Z: Never good enough

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I want: to be blessed and happy always with my beloveds.
I wish: that all my wishes will come true.
I love: being in love.
I miss: all the sweet memories.
I fear: God
I hear: the clock's ticking.
I smell: CK eternity moment.
I wonder: if i could be a better person.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

will u do tis for ur girl?

Every girl dreams that one day she will find a guy that does these things for her even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in someone’s life.
> • give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.
> • leave her cute text notes.
> • kiss her in front of your friends.
> • tell her she looks beautiful.
> • look into her eyes when you talk to her.
> • let her mess with your hair.
> • touch her hair.
> • just walk around with her.
> • FORGIVE her for her MISTAKES.
> • look at her like she's the only girl you see.
> • tickle her even when she says stop.
> • hold her hand when you're around your friends.
> • be the one to take her hand, don't make her reach for you
> • be the one to call her, don't make her always call you
> • when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.
> • let her fall asleep in your arms.
> • get her mad, then kiss her.
> • tease her and let her tease you back.
> • stay up all night with her when she's sick.
> • watch her favorite movie with her.
> • kiss her forehead.
> • give her the world.
> • write her letters.
> • let her wear your clothes.
> • when she's sad, hang out with her.
> • let her know she's important.
> • let her take all the photos she wants of you.
> • kiss her in the pouring rain.
> • when you fall in love with her, tell her.
> • and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before.

Monday, September 29, 2008

halu2~ wussup? =) at the end.. jd gak my egg tart~ such a wonderful tart.. cntik je.. cute je~ later bole bg u all recepi plak kn.. huhu.. so far.. ikot planning~ nk wt cake choc.. nk wt perubahan cket.. nk kukus n add on blueberry filling.. yummy2.. xsaba nk try..
this year~ raye kt sbela my mum.. pontian.. should be great wit all da food.. tok mak ske wt mknan mcm2.. sme request from cucu.. mesti dea make sure.. cucu dea dpt mkn~ wee~ luv my grand mum :)
oh~ lmbt nye nk tnggu egg tart siap~ nw.. nk g tman my lil cs n lil bro last minute shopping.. esok last puase.. then raye plak.. alhamdulillah~ jap je sebulan dah berlalu.. nw syawal da pn nk menjelma.. semoga syawal yang akan mendatang~ dpt memeriahkn lg warna idup masing2 dgn lembaran baru~ nex year da kna bg ang pow..~ huhu.. =p~ ok.. till then.. muaaahhxx~ daa~ ^_^

Saturday, September 27, 2008


huhu~ at last.. hehe.. da kt uma da pn.. count down je nk raye ni.. psm so far ok~ da present 2nd demo td.. then.. nnti nek jus settle kn chapter last n compile je.. alhamdulillah~ em, td sir ade offer.. huhu~ master o kje.. (=.=)~! xmo pk2 lg.. nk men2 dlu.. lalalalalala~ my life.. lately.. cm so-so.. nuthing special.. n nuthing yg nk cte.. bored~ bz ulang alik uma.. lpk dgn family.. layan family je..~ shopping... adek2~ wt kueh~ heheh.. esok nk wt blueberry cheese tart~ hope jadi la.. hehe (^_^) amin~
em~ best nye.. sme gather kt uma~ sme ade.. all my siblings..~wee~ k la dude.. nk cont my work~ watchng tv~ lalala~.. ok then.. muaaaaahx! daa~

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


bz.. bz.. bz~ i hate this condition.. ble la psm nk abeh.. mini project~ poster psm.. huhu~ netcentric lg..adeh~ programmng language.. nk wt pe nih mini project 4 oop~ idea.. idea~~!! proposal.. huhu..

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


watch out guys~! hola.. welcum back.. lately sgt bz n xsmpt nk lpk2 kt blog~ nw, da free cket..~ so far~ ape yek.. ok~ psm progress~ yess.. 100% complete coding side.. best3~ so.. da tade nk coding+run+error+bug+etc.. bla2~.. td ptg da present.. so far.. alhamdulillah..~

now, tnggal nk writing tesis.. td da draf.. n byk sub2 title kna cover.. tape2~ chayok2~.. time to transform kepada sasterawan la.. ayat kna indah.. susunan kna cntik.. haha ^_^ well~ so far.. nw, da relaks sket.. n insyallah everything guin wit da flow la.. hope so~ even byk lg kje2 len.. alhamdulillah.. everything undercontrol..

so.. wut's nex ya~ ha, lpe nk inform sumthing.. guess wut~ i got 2 inteviews in bkt jalil n pj~ dunno la hw.. seyes.. tatau nk g~ huahuahua~ but.. position cm bes.. soft eng n java anys programmer.. huhu =.=! blur.. guys~ i think i must stop here~ letih la.. 2 3 mnggu lately mmg xckp tdo sgt~ 101% comitment dgn psm coding.. nw, da lega~ insyallah pasni bole active blog blk.. hee~ bye2~ muaaahx~ c ya again~


Thursday, September 4, 2008

back to reality~

time flies~ nw, there''s 1 week left for me to code my psm project~ huhu.. so, wake up.. no more njoy~ no more blk kg~ fokus~ gud luck 4 me~ do da best.. nk grade~ v(^^)v hee~ bulan2 pose neh.. pntang g bazar ramadhan.. sme nk dibeli.. hehe~ act, br rini 2nd day buke kt ostel.. n x pi lg param FAB~ may b this evening kot.. k la dude~ got to go~ bye2.. muahxx~

p/s: listening to One Republic - Say

Monday, August 18, 2008

congrats to all graduate :p~

"Graduations can be bittersweet,
Reminding us of all that's come and gone:
All our battles, whether lost or won,
Days of bliss, and days we would delete.
Underneath our pride there is the sense,
Almost like a wound, of something past,
The beauty of a time that cannot last,
In which we shared the joys of innocence.
Open vistas lie before our eyes;
Now is the time for hopes and for goodbyes."
hi guys~ welcum back.. huhuhu :) today n yesterday is da most happier day to all graduate~ all da familiy.. atok.. nenek.. dady.. mummy.. cousin.. niece.. sme dtg sm2 to enjoy the graduate big day.. for da 1st tym, tgk dorg konvo td.. cm xsaba sgt nk convo~ dgn jubah + napple + mortar.. all of them looked georgous.. seriously~ for the guys.. wif jubah.. n blazer..tie.. sum of them r very2 macho.. hehehe~ opS.. act td.. 4 da morning session.. FKA n FKE..~ waa~ jubah FKE sgt match.. napple yellow color.. but, still xbole lawan FKKKSA pye blacky napple.. itam ensem.. hihi~ :)
today.. ble im alone.. tgk mcm2 ragam org.. deep inside..~ i felt happy.. touching.. tgk act sum of da graduate family.. especially mum n dad.. dorg happy sgt ble tgk ank dorg success~ menitis air mate ibu~ huhu... touching hug c ank~ kiss dgn penuh kaseh syg~ senyum yg xpenah lekang.. n i think.. deep inside.. kalo bole.. dea nk 1 dunia tau.. dea da berjaya membesarkan ank dea dgn penuh kaseh sayang n memberi ilmu secukup nya till menara gading.. ('',) c ayah plak.. xabes2 hug c ank.. senyum penuh bangga.. n 2day, i felt like.. im rili lucky to be here.. to be UTMian~ n i aso want to make my parents proud of me..~ insyallah~ n my convo insyallah aroun march 2009'.
flowers n graduation day of course xbole dipisahkn~ dr nenek ke mummy ke cousin ke bf/gf ke frens.. sure bg flower... wajib ke? lalala~ x kn? hehe.. owh, sorry dude.. korg sme xdpt bunge dr ak~ :P~ ade yg smpi dpt 3 till 4 bouquet~.. isk.. byk nye.. n tym2 ni la florist bnyk mark up lebey.. hehe.. but, if ckp pasal bunge.. byk choice td act.. mcm2 bentuk.. mcm2 bunge..~ but, for me.. im prefer white lily.. i dunno y.. may b bcoz.. white~ it looks mcm pe erk.. em.. ha~ like u sincere from ur heart.. n unique.. :) n it's cool man.. nowdays, roses3~ boring! (>_<)'
i think.. i'll stop here 4day.. n last but not least~ congrats to all graduate n especially who knowing me~ a.k.a my frens n buddies la.. peanut, jem, jimi,syah n etc ( Sc.comp - sorry xdpt dtg korg pye big day~), civilian geng~ ( fet n da geng) n yus, pit(mecanic's)... ok! now.. tym to kemas2 n guin home~ 2moro should be present psm progress.. huahuahua!~ mati la.. ok dude.. muaaahx! daaa~

Friday, August 1, 2008

bad friday [+.+]

2day is friday~ 1st august.. lately cm rase zero sgt2 + so blurry + havng fever + cough yg sgt trok + terperam dlm blk je := \(=.=)/ ~ act.. sumthing happen.. kowt? im not sure.. wuteva la~ isk isk isk.. may b da main prob coz im stuck wit my psm progress.. normally im focus 101% at10tion to coding~ + oop la.. smpi xhenggat sme bnda.. xpk pape.. xda ms nk men2.. mkn pn~ lpe2 je.. but, so far~ this is my psm coding side progress! split::settle; pairwise::settle; pafig::settle; lsa::80% include ROC; gist::0% MRFP; da 4mnggu da nek sem.. n 3mnggu pn da commited wit psm.. by this monday kna present kt sir.. huahuahua :] omg! blom crk journal n pk proposed enhancement.. it's ok.. crk paper later bole wt..~ ptg ni nk g lab~ settlekn all da coding side tuh la.. next week da test OOP plak.. :'( .. act Dr.Puteh pye lesson.. cm o_O? xphm pn.. slide pn dea bc je.. isk~ pastu tetbe wt excercise.. xguide.. notes pn xmembantu lngsung.. adeh~! byk kna blaja sndri.. it's ok.. take it as a challenge! (-.<)' 2mnggu lg dorg da konvo.. hoyEee~ jem kt nk mntk tlg amik jubah~ no hal~ hehe.. xcited nk try :P nk tnggu jubah sndri.. nex yea lor.. 2moro as usuall.. hv 2 guin back my home sweet home..~ xsaba nye.. even dkt je dgn Utm.. but i luv 2 be there.. of kos la kn.. lpk2 dgn parents.. gado2 cket dgn adk2~ rebut2 mkn~ kaco2 ejal men game~ men2 dgn giny~ girl talk wit my lil sis~ duin actvty 2gether wit my lil sis n lil bro: this week tamo da wt cheese cake :p~ ha.. lg 1.. main actvty: watching tv.. mmg xbole miss la.. sbb kt klj tade tv.. hehe.. yups~ act byk sgt actvty yg kteorg share.. n 1 more thng.. wen im home.. my asgmnt, my psm, n all my studies stuff~ missing in action.. hahaha.. lalalalalalala~ xpnh jmpe n wt~ my home is 4 relaxing~ enjoying~ 2 me.. :p ... so.. wut im gonna do this weeknd? any idea?

Friday, July 25, 2008

hi :p~

hye guys..
for da 1st tym im creating my blog.. nuthin much to says :) jus say hi~ hihi.. nw, im rili bZzz~ duin my final project.. PSM II.. guess wut.. suddenly im in bioinformatics field.. huahuahua (o_O)' but, it's ok.. i'll try my best.. insyAllah..
pejam celik.. da final sem.. nk grade da~ hey guys! wake up... cum on la.. this is our last semester.. enjoy it~ xpyh terperuk dlm blk je.. wt psm.. mwhahaha~ ceth..~ tp.. makin lm.. masing2 da bzzZz.. ssh nk jmpe muke membe2 clasmate ms year 2.. sme missing in action.. mnkah kamu semua ('',)' .. im bz too.. bz sgt dgn 'remote protein homology' even tade basic in bio.. chayok~ running cluster server linux yg sengal~ xpna stable.. learning perl n c language.. hohoho~ it's ok.. afta all this~ im deserve to get my degree~ hehehe.. amin..
ok then.. c u later k.. muahxs~ (^,^)